The APT Diploma in Working with Crisis or Risk

6 courses



The APT Diploma in Working with Crisis or Risk provides 96 hours of training, leading to Level 4 APT-accreditation. Attend the diploma as an individual or we can bring the training to you for a fixed fee, to ensure you get a supportive group addressing the same material.

The diploma comprises completion of the following courses:

Risk Assessment and Management:

Working positively with challenging and difficult behavior:

Therapeutic Interventions for those at risk:

To be awarded the diploma, students must also complete an online exam (in their own time) after each course.

If you have already attended one or more of these courses in the last 2 years, then you have an exemption for that subject(s), you don't need to attend the same course again. If you have already attended the equivalent of one or more of these courses from another training-provider in the last 2 years, then again you have an exemption for that subject(s), although you do need to submit evidence of the training and pay a reading fee for APT assessing it. Please contact us for pricing.

Please note that the diploma should be completed in not more than 2 years from the date you complete the first course.

The Diploma can also be awarded by completing the individual courses separately, across 2 years. 

What you receive as a result of attending the training:

You will be registered as having attended the course, thereby gaining The APT Diploma in working with Risk, and receive a certificate to this effect and Level 4 accreditation which gains you access to the resources associated with the course.

Your registration lasts indefinitely, and your accreditation to use the resources lasts for 3 years and is renewable by attending a Masterclass top-up day or submitting evidence of continued practice, and your reflections on that practice (to the required level).

Your accreditation is given value by the fact of over 150,000 people having attended APT training. See APT accreditation for full details.

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