DBT is a powerful therapeutic approach originally developed by Marsha Linehan for the treatment of borderline personality disorder and now applied across a range of challenging conditions. It relies on teaching core life skills such as mindfulness, how to regulate your emotions, how to tolerate distress, and how to be effective interpersonally, and then helping patients maintain their motivation and resolve ongoing problems as they apply these skills in a planned way. All against the background of having regular consultation meetings with your colleagues to maintain quality stands and resolve problems. The APT has mastered the delivery of DBT training 'online anytime'; providing top class training you can access right now or any time that suits you. No longer do you have to wait for 'the start date' of the course. "I learned so much in the course. Though I had some previous knowledge of DBT, it truly clarified so much of the skills and theory of DBT" Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) training from the Association for Psychological Therapies (APT), includes APT accreditation, certification, and resources. And the APT has perfected the art of delivering it in a way that makes it appear simple and easy to apply. "Very helpful, insightful, organized and easy to follow. Will definitely be using this knowledge and these resources with my clients. Highly recommend!" With a wealth of clinical experience, Dr William Davies presents the course with relevant stories and examples of using DBT and an engaging lightness which perfectly complements the power of the subject. "I enjoyed the presenter and overall format of the class. It was easy to follow and gave good examples of practicing the components of DBT." This course gives you a thorough introduction to DBT, it is APT-accredited, and gives you access to important resources for you to use post-course. Whether you simply want to broaden your knowledge or take your first step to establishing a full DBT service this course is for you. The course can be studied by teams or individuals and can also be completed as part of APT's Extended Training in DBT course and The APT Diploma in Psychological Therapies. The Association for Psychological Therapies (APT) is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for Psychologists and this course leads to 18 CE credits* For further information on the format of APT online training, the APT’s guarantee to you, and how to make a group booking, click here. Bookings: To access the course straightaway, click ‘add to cart’ to purchase by card or PayPal. (If you are ordering the course for somebody else, or a group, create an account and select ‘Bulk Purchase’ once you have proceeded to cart.) If you would like to be invoiced please click here (once the invoice has been paid or upon receipt of an official Purchase Order, we can then grant access to the course). Read more

Motivational Interviewing describes an organized way of helping people to recognize their problems and to do something about them. Principally it addresses behavior about which the client has mixed feelings: drinking and substance misuse for example, but a surprising array of common mental and physical health problems as well. Issues from taking psychoactive medication through to eating more healthily can all be addressed using motivational interviewing. This course is based on the latest edition of Miller and Rollnick's book so covers the four broad components of skill, namely: Knowledge and Spirit, Engaging, Focusing and Evoking, and Planning and Integration. In addition it looks at the relationship between Motivational Interviewing and The Stages of Change (the work of DiClemente et al). And finally it covers how to develop your Motivational Interviewing skills and practice after the course. The APT has mastered the delivery of training in Motivational Interviewing 'online anytime'; providing top class training you can access right now or any time that suits you. No longer do you have to wait for 'the start date' of the course. "Really good course- clearly presented and clinical context given throughout" Motivational Interviewing training from the Association for Psychological Therapies (APT), includes APT accreditation, certification, and resources. And the APT has perfected the art of delivering it in a way that makes it appear simple and easy to apply. "Great training, really interesting and well structured." With a wealth of clinical experience, Dr William Davies presents the course with relevant stories and examples of using motivational interviewing and an engaging lightness which perfectly complements the far reaching nature of the therapy. "I am delighted by this course. Dr Davies and his dry wit have been wonderful companions. Will buy and undertake others." This course gives you a thorough introduction to motivational interviewing, it is APT-accredited, and gives you access to important resources for you to use post-course. Whether you simply want to broaden your knowledge or become a committed practitioner of motivational interviewing, this course is for you. The course can be studied by teams or individuals and can also be completed as part of The APT Diploma in Psychological Therapies. The Association for Psychological Therapies (APT) is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for Psychologists and this course leads to 18 CE credits* Bookings: To access the course straightaway, click ‘add to cart’ to purchase by card or PayPal. (If you are ordering the course for somebody else, or a group, create an account and select ‘Bulk Purchase’ once you have proceeded to cart.) If you would like to be invoiced please click here (once the invoice has been paid or upon receipt of an official Purchase Order, we can then grant access to the course). Read more

This course aims to introduce you to the principles of SFT/SFBT in a way that gives you a firm grasp of them and enables you to use them in a safe and helpful way. You should become at home with the approach which is often seen as a 'breath of fresh air' both to client and professional, looking to empower their clients and help them find effective solutions for problems, rather than being sucked further and further into analysing and discussing the problem itself. The APT has mastered the delivery of SFT/SFBT training 'online anytime'; providing top class training you can access right now or any time that suits you. No longer do you have to wait for 'the start date' of the course. "This course gives clear explanation and examples of SF therapy. The materials are provided in small easily palatable chunks for better absorption and presented in logical manner. The exercises given, while optional, are very helpful to reflect on what we have learned and how we can apply it in real life situation." Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFT/SFBT) training from the Association for Psychological Therapies (APT), includes APT accreditation, certification, and resources. And the APT has perfected the art of delivering it in a way that makes it appear simple and easy to apply. "Great training, really interesting and well structured." With a wealth of clinical experience, Dr William Davies presents the course with relevant stories and examples of using SFT and an engaging lightness which perfectly complements the positive, constructive and empowering nature of the therapy. "I have thoroughly enjoyed this course. The way in which is was delivered was excellent and I feel I've learnt a lot. Thank you!" This course gives you a thorough introduction to SFT/SFBT, it is APT-accredited, and gives you access to important resources for you to use post-course. Whether you simply want to broaden your knowledge or become a committed SFT practitioner, this course is for you. The course can be studied by teams or individuals and can also be completed as part of The APT Diploma in Psychological Therapies. For further information on the format of APT online training, the APT’s guarantee to you, and how to make a group booking, click here. Bookings: To access the course straightaway, click ‘add to cart’ to purchase by card or PayPal. (If you are ordering the course for somebody else, or a group, create an account and select ‘Bulk Purchase’ once you have proceeded to cart.) If you would like to be invoiced please click here (once the invoice has been paid or upon receipt of an official Purchase Order, we can then grant access to the course). Read more

Reliable and comprehensive risk assessment and management is a fundamental clinical skill. We need to be able to spot endemic risks such as suicide, violence, self-neglect, vulnerability and more, and to know how to work to prevent these risks coming true once we have spotted them. We also need to know what risks are particularly relevant to children and adolescents, older people, and people who misuse mood-altering substances, and again do the best to prevent these risks happening. This is exactly what the DICES system helps you to do, and in an interesting and engaging way that heightens your clinical practice. The APT has mastered the delivery of DICES training 'online anytime'; providing top class training you can access right now or any time that suits you. No longer do you have to wait for 'the start date' of the course. "Great course. Really easy to follow and very informative. Kept me interested throughout." DICES training from the Association for Psychological Therapies (APT), includes APT accreditation, certification, and resources. And the APT has perfected the art of delivering it in a way that makes it appear simple and easy to apply. "An informative and well structured course. I have taken a great deal of learning from its completion, that I believe will support my future practice." With a wealth of clinical experience, Dr William Davies presents the course with relevant stories and examples of using DICES and an engaging lightness which perfectly complements the seriousness of the topic. "Very informative and will be of excellent use in my place of work." This course gives you a thorough introduction to DICES, it is APT-accredited, and gives you access to important resources for you to use post-course. Whether you simply want to broaden your knowledge or want to pioneer the introduction of DICES risk assessment to your service, this course is for you. The course can be studied by teams or individuals, see below. For further information on the format of APT online training, the APT’s guarantee to you, and how to make a group booking, click here. Bookings: To access the course straightaway, click ‘add to cart’ to purchase by card or PayPal. (If you are ordering the course for somebody else, or a group, create an account and select ‘Bulk Purchase’ once you have proceeded to cart.) If you would like to be invoiced please click here (once the invoice has been paid or upon receipt of an official Purchase Order, we can then grant access to the course). Read more

The RAID® course is a relentlessly positive approach for tackling disturbed and challenging behaviour at source: it is a leading approach which well over 20,000 professionals have completed . It is a comprehensive system which teaches professionals a philosophy and practice not only to deal with disturbed and challenging behaviour when it occurs, but also to prevent it by nurturing positive behaviour targeted to displace the disturbed and challenging behaviour. Team members feel pleased to share a unified system and to know what they are doing and why they are doing it, while clients delight in a relentlessly positive and empowering approach. The APT has mastered the delivery of RAID training 'online anytime'; providing top class training you can access right now or any time that suits you. No longer do you have to wait for 'the start date' of the course. "Very informative and well presented. I appreciated the way the material was chunked into manageable, discreet, modules and the resources look useful. Thanks." RAID training from the Association for Psychological Therapies (APT), includes APT accreditation, certification, and resources. And the APT has perfected the art of delivering it in a way that makes it appear simple and easy to apply. "A great course for teams." As the author of the approach and with a wealth of clinical experience, Dr William Davies presents the course with relevant stories and examples of using RAID, and an engaging lightness which perfectly complements the weight of the topic. "Very engaging, exciting and humorous. Thoroughly enjoyable and relatable to everyday life as well as in the professional setting." This course gives you a thorough introduction to RAID, it is APT-accredited, and gives you access to important resources for you to use post-course. Whether you simply want to broaden your knowledge or want to pioneer the introduction of such a positive and energising approach to your colleagues, this course is for you. It can be studied by teams or individuals, see below. For further information on the format of APT online training, the APT’s guarantee to you, and how to make a group booking, click here. Bookings: To access the course straightaway, click ‘add to cart’ to purchase by card or PayPal. (If you are ordering the course for somebody else, or a group, create an account and select ‘Bulk Purchase’ once you have proceeded to cart.) If you would like to be invoiced please click here (once the invoice has been paid or upon receipt of an official Purchase Order, we can then grant access to the course). Read more

Deliberate non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is the intentional cause of harm to one's own body, very often to cope with intense emotional distress. Very often it achieves that aim, which is why it persists. It is more prevalent amongst young people, though by no means confined to them. Non-suicidal self-injury is not attempted suicide. People who self-harm do not intend to kill themselves, at that point in time. In attempted suicide, by contrast, the person intends to kill themselves. However, although it is important to distinguish between non-suicidal self-injury and attempted suicide, people who self-harm are in fact 10 times more likely to eventually end their own lives than people who don't. Sometimes, non-suicidal self-injury is triggered by events such as: bereavement, loss of employment, imprisonment, relationship problems, and other crises, yet at other times, none of those are present, and the non-suicidal self-injury seems to be purely an effective means of coping with tension and stress. NSSI is a presentation which is worrying and dis-empowering for many professionals, so this course sets out to give a clear and effective approach to working with non-suicidal self-injury by providing patients with something that works better for them than harming themselves. The APT has mastered the delivery of this training 'online anytime'; providing top class training you can access right now or any time that suits you. No longer do you have to wait for 'the start date' of the course. "Thank you, very comprehensive and really enjoyed the summaries and examples/activities." Training from the Association for Psychological Therapies (APT), includes APT accreditation, certification, and resources. And the APT has perfected the art of delivering it in a way that makes it appear simple and easy to apply. "Really enjoyable and helpful." As the author of the approach and with a wealth of clinical experience, Dr William Davies presents the course with relevant stories and examples of using it, and an engaging lightness which perfectly complements the weight of the topic. "The course provided me with valuable tools and skills that I can use effectively in my job." This course is APT-accredited, and gives you access to important resources for you to use post-course. Whether you simply want to broaden your knowledge or want to establish an NSSI service, this course is for you. It can be studied by teams or individuals, see below. For further information on the format of APT online training, the APT’s guarantee to you, and how to make a group booking, click here. Bookings: To access the course straightaway, click ‘add to cart’ to purchase by card or PayPal. (If you are ordering the course for somebody else, or a group, create an account and select ‘Bulk Purchase’ once you have proceeded to cart.) If you would like to be invoiced please click here (once the invoice has been paid or upon receipt of an official Purchase Order, we can then grant access to the course). Read more
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