**This refresher course is only available to those that have previously completed the 'DBT for Adolescents (DBT-A)' course with the APT, and are wanting to refresh their knowledge and renew their APT Accreditation.** Put at its simplest, DBT hinges on teaching important life and psychological skills to those who need them, and then supporting them in applying those skills in real life. Such an approach often has clear relevance for adolescents, because they are going through a period of change, where it is important to acquire new skills. DBT-A covers the delivery of effective DBT at its most relevant for adolescents, including: confusion about self, impulsivity, lack of emotional control, interpersonal problems, family problems and dilemmas, high risk behaviors, including suicidal behavior and non-suicidal self-injury. The APT has mastered the delivery of DBT training 'online anytime'; providing top class training you can access right now or any time that suits you. No longer do you have to wait for 'the start date' of the course. "I learned so much in the course. Though I had some previous knowledge of DBT, it truly clarified so much of the skills and theory of DBT" Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) training from the Association for Psychological Therapies (APT), includes APT accreditation, certification, and resources. And the APT has perfected the art of delivering it in a way that makes it appear simple and easy to apply. "Very helpful, insightful, organized and easy to follow. Will definitely be using this knowledge and these resources with my clients. Highly recommend!" With a wealth of clinical experience, the course has been written by Dr William Davies and presented by Dr Liz Andrew, who presents the course with relevant stories and examples of using DBT and an engaging lightness which perfectly complements the power of the subject. "I enjoyed the presenter and overall format of the class. It was easy to follow and gave good examples of practising the components of DBT." This course gives you a thorough introduction to DBT-A, it is APT-accredited, and gives you access to important resources for you to use post-course. Whether you simply want to broaden your knowledge or take your first step to establishing a full DBT service this course is for you. The course can be studied by teams or individuals and can also be completed as part of APT's Extended Training in DBT course and The APT Diploma for working in Child & Adolescent Mental Health. For further information on the format of APT online training, the APT’s guarantee to you, and how to make a group booking, click here. Bookings: To access the course straightaway, click ‘add to cart’ to purchase by card or PayPal. (If you are ordering the course for somebody else, or a group, create an account and select ‘Bulk Purchase’ once you have proceeded to cart.) If you would like to be invoiced please click here (once the invoice has been paid or upon receipt of an official Purchase Order, we can then grant access to the course). Read more

This online course spells out what you can do to develop your own mental good health in the workplace, as well as that of your colleagues. As such it empowers everyone (managers and non-managers alike) to take good care of themselves. It covers (a) the major diagnoses in mental illness, (b) the 4 bases you need to cover to maintain good mental health and help others do so; and (c) how the material covered meshes with your workplace. For further information on the format of APT online training, the APT’s guarantee to you, and how to make a group booking, click here. The course covers a great deal: What constitutes mental health. The 5 areas of functioning: Behaviour. Biology. Emotions. Surroundings. Thinking. Mental illness: what is and is not mental illness, distressing everyday experience versus mental illness – is one more important than the other? What the World Health Organisation says. The complex brain: how it can – and does - pull us in conflicting directions. How to develop your good Mental Health and wellbeing, and how to maintain it. The 4 bases we need to cover for good mental health. Behaviour: what we do. This defines ‘our life’! Biology: sleep; diet; exercise, illness, etc. Surroundings: housing, social contacts, family, debts, etc. Thinking: our mental life. Even if everything else is in order, we can still trip ourselves up! Being a good colleague. Spotting signs of problems in others. Interacting helpfully with people who are having mental health problems. Support from friends and family. Helping the person to talk and think. Empathy and validation. Summary: the Do’s and Don’ts. Sources of outside help. Bookings: To access the course straightaway, click ‘add to cart’ to purchase by card or PayPal. (If you are ordering the course for somebody else, or a group, create an account and select ‘Bulk Purchase’ once you have proceeded to cart.) If you would like to be invoiced please click here (once the invoice has been paid or upon receipt of an official Purchase Order, we can then grant access to the course). Read more

In this distance learning module from the APT, we talk about the practice of differentially reinforcing adaptive behaviour, so your patients are encouraged to do more of what is helping them, and less of what isn't. Highlighted in DBT but relevant and effective in virtually every form of therapy, we look at why it works so well and what pot-holes there are to avoid; effectively we focus on how to 'water the flowers and not the weeds'. This module is part of the exciting Higher Order Therapy series of one hour modules. Each consists of an audio lasting 15-30 minutes, plus an exercise and resources for you to you use and practice with afterwards. The series is so named because it features all the 'higher order' factors that make therapy successful. If you examine the leading therapies they overlap to a fascinating degree, so by studying all the overlapping elements and then 'picking off' the elements that are unique to each particular therapy you achieve an extraordinary power and breadth in your ability to help others. And this is what the Higher Order Therapy series enables you to do. If you are an experienced therapist looking at the Higher Order Therapy modules you will quickly be able to see the ones you are proficient at and the ones you maybe need to brush up on, and that's exactly what you can do here. Every module in the Higher Order Therapy series is designed to be accessible, relevant and engaging, so encouraging both novice and expert therapists alike to develop exactly those elements they want to. Finally, don't be misled by the price; you may feel that the low price suggests these are not serious modules whereas in fact they very much are. The APT's purpose is to make the best, most relevant and engaging training accessible to as many mental health professionals as possible. Read more

This online course is for managers and directors and focuses on how to manage in a way that generates good mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, and doing so in a realistic way that works well for everybody. Many people spend more waking hours at work than they spend anywhere else, so it is imperative that we do our best to get matters right in the workplace. So this course spends only a little time on the mental health difficulties that can beset people, and focuses instead on what you as a manager or director can do to foster good mental health and wellbeing in a way that embeds it into your organisation. So we are not talking about mere ‘add-ons’, we are talking about your style and strategy, and operating a style and strategy that is good for your employees and colleagues and therefore is fundamentally good for your organisation in a realistic, practical, and measurable way. For further information on the format of APT online training, the APT’s guarantee to you, and how to make a group booking, click here. The course covers a great deal: Developing a clear management philosophy: The RAID® Philosophy. How to develop good relationships: the 3 key factors, in order. Key Principle: Empower, and boost self-efficacy. Key Principle: Notice good things more than not so good things. Key Principle: Recognise and remove irritants. Key Principle: Apply these principles to yourself. Key Principle: Know how to ask people to do things. Key Principle: Know how to motivate the team. Key Principle: Use Feedback, and use it skilfully. Why give negative feedback? Why give positive feedback? Major Exercise: Making an action plan and using The Checklist. The 5 major factors involved in mental health and wellbeing. Putting Square pegs in Square holes. Breaking out of the punishment cycle. Delegating skilfully and supportively. Biological factors, including: Sleep, Diet, Mood-altering substances, Exercise and Relaxation. Talking about emotions: is it a good idea? If not, what can we do? Social factors, including: when people actively dislike each other; people having no real friends at work; ongoing arguments and feuds at work; changes in role or workplace. Thinking style: Everything else can be pretty much perfect, and yet people can still spoil it for themselves by taking a gloomy or anxious perspective. So what then? Appraisal Interviews Making an action plan and using the Checklist. Bookings: To access the course straightaway, click ‘add to cart’ to purchase by card or PayPal. (If you are ordering the course for somebody else, or a group, create an account and select ‘Bulk Purchase’ once you have proceeded to cart.) If you would like to be invoiced please click here (once the invoice has been paid or upon receipt of an official Purchase Order, we can then grant access to the course). Read more

This course will take you through the most critical elements of engaging your patients. Even with the best tools and training in the world, if we can't properly connect with and engage our patients, we won't be able to help them. All therapists mean to engage with their patients but many have never really been taught how to do it, as though it is achieved simply through an act of will on the part of the therapist. In fact there are clear principled strategies for achieving it, and this is what you learn here. This module is part of the exciting Higher Order Therapy series of one hour modules. Each consists of an audio lasting 15-30 minutes, plus an exercise and resources for you to you use and practice with afterwards. The series is so named because it features all the 'higher order' factors that make therapy successful. If you examine the leading therapies they overlap to a fascinating degree, so by studying all the overlapping elements and then 'picking off' the elements that are unique to each particular therapy you achieve an extraordinary power and breadth in your ability to help others. And this is what the Higher Order Therapy series enables you to do. If you are an experienced therapist looking at the Higher Order Therapy modules you will quickly be able to see the ones you are proficient at and the ones you maybe need to brush up on, and that's exactly what you can do here. Every module in the Higher Order Therapy series is designed to be accessible, relevant and engaging, so encouraging both novice and expert therapists alike to develop exactly those elements they want to. Finally, don't be misled by the price; you may feel that the low price suggests these are not serious modules whereas in fact they very much are. The APT's purpose is to make the best, most relevant and engaging training accessible to as many mental health professionals as possible. Read more

In this distance learning module from APT, you'll learn about evidence-based practice, practice, based evidence, and how to use them to help monitor and track the progress your patients make. We are rightly encouraged to base our practice on established evidence, and yet there isn't a protocol for every condition that every patient arrives with, so we lean heavily on 'practice-based evidence' - obtaining evidence from our practice and the patient we are working with. It is crucially important to do because without it we may be heading in the wrong direction - doing the patient more harm than good - but with it we are both encouraged and empowered. This module is part of the exciting Higher Order Therapy series of one hour modules. Each consists of an audio lasting 15-30 minutes, plus an exercise and resources for you to you use and practice with afterwards. The series is so named because it features all the 'higher order' factors that make therapy successful. If you examine the leading therapies they overlap to a fascinating degree, so by studying all the overlapping elements and then 'picking off' the elements that are unique to each particular therapy you achieve an extraordinary power and breadth in your ability to help others. And this is what the Higher Order Therapy series enables you to do. If you are an experienced therapist looking at the Higher Order Therapy modules you will quickly be able to see the ones you are proficient at and the ones you maybe need to brush up on, and that's exactly what you can do here. Every module in the Higher Order Therapy series is designed to be accessible, relevant and engaging, so encouraging both novice and expert therapists alike to develop exactly those elements they want to. Finally, don't be misled by the price; you may feel that the low price suggests these are not serious modules whereas in fact they very much are. The APT's purpose is to make the best, most relevant and engaging training accessible to as many mental health professionals as possible. Read more
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